Api to use
AI Suggestion
Clade AI
1. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF): The GBIF API provides access to billions of records about species occurrences, distributions, and traits from thousands of data publishers worldwide. This is an excellent source for obtaining basic species data.
2. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: The IUCN Red List is a comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of plant and animal species. It includes data on population trends, threats, and conservation actions for endangered species.
3. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS): ITIS is a database of standardized scientific and common names for species, with classifications, notes, and cross-references. It's useful for taxonomic information and validating species names.
4. VertNet, FishNet2, MaNIS, HerpNET, ORNIS: These are biodiversity data portals that aggregate species occurrence data from natural history museums and other institutions, focusing on specific taxonomic groups like vertebrates, fish, mammals, herps, and birds.
5. DataONE: DataONE is a repository of ecological and environmental datasets, including many related to species and biodiversity. You can search for and access a wide range of species-focused datasets.
6. Database tools:
- For storing and managing species data, consider using a relational database like PostgreSQL or MySQL, or a NoSQL database like MongoDB or Elasticsearch.
- Visualization tools like Tableau, Power BI, or Plotly can help analyze and plot species population trends, conservation status, and other metrics over time.
- Modeling and analysis tools like R, Python, and GIS software can be used for more advanced population viability analysis, species distribution modeling, and interaction matrix development.
7. Citizen science platforms: Platforms like iNaturalist, eBird, and PlantNet allow the public to contribute observations of species, which can supplement official datasets.
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF): GBIF is excellent for large-scale biodiversity data, especially for species occurrence records, geographic distribution, and taxonomy. You can use the GBIF API to access data on species observations, specimen collections, and checklists.
- Encyclopedia of Life (EOL): EOL has extensive species descriptions, habitat information, conservation status, and multimedia resources. Their API offers access to species data and taxonomic hierarchy, which can help with species interaction and habitat mapping.
- iNaturalist: This citizen science platform is rich in observational data and time series data for species occurrences, allowing insights into population changes over time. You can use the iNaturalist API for real-time species sightings.
- Atlas of Living Australia (ALA): The ALA provides a vast amount of biodiversity data, including species interactions, habitat, and ecosystem data. It’s particularly strong for Australian biodiversity but connects with other global datasets. The ALA API allows access to occurrence records, taxonomy, and species interactions.
- Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL): BHL archives historical biodiversity literature and can be valuable for legacy species data and historical population data. They offer an API for accessing publications and species descriptions.
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Taxonomy and GenBank: For more genetic and taxonomy-focused data, NCBI has species records and genetic sequence data. The NCBI Taxonomy API could complement ecological data with phylogenetic information.
- Map of Life (MoL): MoL provides data on species distribution, ranges, and environmental interactions. This data can be useful for identifying regional data and understanding the habitat preferences of species.
Here are some of the key GBIF API endpoints that may be useful for accessing species data:
"Species Search": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/species",
"Species Details": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/species/{speciesKey}",
"Occurrence Search": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/search",
"Dataset Search": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/dataset",
"Dataset Details": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/dataset/{datasetKey}",
"Country List": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/country",
"Country Details": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/country/{isoCode}",
"Network List": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/network",
"Network Details": "https://api.gbif.org/v1/network/{networkKey}"
Here's a brief overview of how you can use these endpoints:
Species Search: Information about species based on their names.
import requests def search_species(name): url = f"https://api.gbif.org/v1/species?name={name}" response = requests.get(url) return response.json() result = search_species("Panthera leo") print(result)
{ "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "endOfRecords": False, "count": 1, "results": [ { "key": 2435098, "kingdom": "Animalia", "phylum": "Chordata", "class": "Mammalia", "order": "Carnivora", "family": "Felidae", "genus": "Panthera", "species": "Panthera leo", "scientificName": "Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758)" } ] }
Species Details: Detailed information about a specific species using its unique key.
import requests def get_species_details(species_key): url = f"https://api.gbif.org/v1/species/{species_key}" response = requests.get(url) return response.json() result = get_species_details("2435098") print(result)
{ "key": 2435098, "kingdom": "Animalia", "phylum": "Chordata", "class": "Mammalia", "order": "Carnivora", "family": "Felidae", "genus": "Panthera", "species": "Panthera leo", "scientificName": "Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758)", "canonicalName": "Panthera leo", "rank": "SPECIES", "status": "ACCEPTED", "higherClassification": [ "Animalia", "Chordata", "Mammalia", "Carnivora", "Felidae", "Panthera" ], }
Occurrence Search: Information about species occurrences based on various parameters like taxon key, geometry, etc.
import requests def search_occurrences(scientific_name): url = f"https://api.gbif.org/v1/occurrence/search?scientificName={scientific_name}" response = requests.get(url) return response.json() result = search_occurrences("Panthera leo") print(result)
Dataset Search: Information about datasets that contain biodiversity data.
Dataset Details: Detailed information about a specific dataset using its unique key.
Country List: A list of countries involved in biodiversity data.
Country Details: Detailed information about a specific country using its ISO code.
Network List: A list of networks that are part of the GBIF.
Network Details: Detailed information about a specific network using its unique key.